Glendwood Cemetery!

Along with the last President of the Republic of Texas: Anson Jones, other important people also rest at Glendwood for example

Howard R. Hughes Jr.- A Billionaire and man of legendary accomplishments in business, aviation and film making.

Also, Col. William Fairfax Gray- he attended the Convention of 1836 and kept a day to day diary and was a charter member of Christ Church.
And although many tombs had birthdays followed by their death date; I noticed that there were many that only said the death date, but not the birthday.  Many of those people died between 1912 and 1916! I googled to see what major disaster who have occurred to cause so many deaths within a short time period and the only thing i found was that Galveston had a hurricane(category 4) in 1990 that almost wiped out the city of Galveston completely. (